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Happy Labor Day

Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO
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Today proudly proclaim you are union! Talk with your family and friends about the power of having the freedom to have a voice at your job. Over 70% of Americans support unions and nine out of 10 people under 30 support unions.

Labor is growing more powerful than it has in decades. In addition to public support, we have the trust of our members. We asked our members who they trust most in the world of politics, and they overwhelmingly said their fellow union members. We spend time together on the job and during lunch breaks and depend on each other to get the work done. We listen to each other about work and life concerns and know we have much in common.

We must have laws that protect and defend workers and our freedom to form and join a union. Winning elections is the only way to rewrite laws that now give corporations and billionaires an unfair advantage to cheat and mistreat workers.

Workers are finding out the labor movement gives them power to fight back and gain control over their jobs and futures. They see that the labor movement is not about race, gender, age, orientation, or religion. It is about freedom.

We also know that we are stronger together. That’s why people in power try to divide us by claiming other people are taking our jobs. They don’t want us to focus on a system that allows Jeff Bezos to make $7.9 million in an hour while denying his workers the freedom to join a union.

Our voting strength is powerful. Our labor-to-labor program, union members talking to union members, is powerful. Our members vote at a much higher rate than the general public. In battleground states, the union vote is 20% of the electorate.

“The future and success of America hinges on the future and success of the labor movement—and no hinge is bigger than the one on the door marked Nov. 5,” said Fred Redmond, secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO. “The union vote is going to make the difference. And the American labor movement is going to move heaven and earth to help every pro-worker candidate up and down the ballot win this November.”

So today and every day be proud to be a union member. You are a vital part of a movement that built this country, grew a vibrant middle class for workers to establish generational wealth, won rights on the job for safety, health, retirement, and paid leave.

And it is the labor movement that will push us all forward to preserve the freedoms that have been hard-fought to win for all workers!